From Ohio
I can say this is not the only matter of concern, but these poor creatures are victims of circumstance.
I think we all can agree and some pray that conservation and care of Gods wildlife can be better served in this modern age with modern and monitored practices. Poor beasts could not choose or speak for themselves. This was done with ungracious and wicked intent to the animals and good people's of the the Buckeye state. Please don't think too poorly of the citizens of the nations heartland, they too are appalled by many neglected regulations of bygone eras. I say a lion belongs where ever the Savanna leads them, and short of that we yes we are responsible for their best well-being.
My heart pains for for the people of Ohio and this is not indicative of a caring and compassionate state.
God bless Ohio
Let's get get back to common sense core values for all states of this great nation. We all love and respect the majesty of nature, I hope we will stand for reasonable change in expectations for those charged with safe and healthy wildlife management.