I have been gifted a 2019 RJS chard kit to play with. Its been stored in a temperature controled wine production room. Will discard the packets included and use new. My plan is to reconstitute it to 6gal then divide into 2- 3gal batches. To one add 2 jars aldi's vanilla peaches. (about 2.5lbs) Looks to be 170g sugars total. Citric acid preservative. To the other, 60oz wt pumpkin pie mix (360g sugars). Shoot for 11-12% abv, adding sugar if needed. I'll add enzymes to both while yeast starter is going. Will be back sweetening a bit to bring out the fruit. I don't plan on mlf or oak. (Wife has an aversion to oakey buttery chards)
Questioning yeast choices. Pictured is what I have available.

I'm leaning toward d47 to reduce the malolactic acid some.
Since the kit is old, should I add nutrients?
Any thing else that I'm not thinking about? Thanks
Questioning yeast choices. Pictured is what I have available.

I'm leaning toward d47 to reduce the malolactic acid some.
Since the kit is old, should I add nutrients?
Any thing else that I'm not thinking about? Thanks