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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2007
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Making 3 gallons of strawberry rhubarb and thought a 5 gallon bucket would be good enough!! WRONG!


This will be better!
racking to a bigger fermenter


Now let the yeast do its job!
Looks like it will be a pretty wine.
That wine has a great color as well. My strawberry comes out more pink than red.
How many lbs of strawberries are in there, sure looks like a nice full bag so it should be a really nice flavorful wine!
That is 12# of strawberries and 6# of rhubarb. That's why it didn't fit in the 5 gallon fermenter. I never thought about how much room that would take up until the yeast started to work and expanded everythimg! !@#$$%^
smurfe said:
That wine has a great color as well. My strawberry comes out more pink than red.

K-meta wreaks havoc on strawberry coloring! I always make sure it is well diluted in water before adding as it leaches color in strawberry wine. My wine is always a deep clear red now that I started doing that instead.
Wow... that looks and sounds incredible.

Have you ever tasted a finished wine with your recipe?
I was gone for the weekend and just got home so haven't had a chance to check it yet. I will taste it as soon as it quits fermenting and let you know. I hope it tastes as good as it looks!! This is the first batch so I haven't tasted a finished wine yet.
The Strawberry rhubarb is still pretty after final filtering. Tastes pretty good too for a young wine!
The wine has a beautiful color!!! Seems like I learn something every time I read a new thread. The information given about diluting the K-Meta in water before adding to the wine to retain as much color as possible will surely be put to use the next time I make a batch of strawberry.
