What kind of vines is a good question. In this area red Pinot Noir is king, but that's a difficult grape. Professional winemakers have a hard time with consistency but, there is a vintner that sells grapes near by. They will crush and stem small amounts and I cal bring home a 5 gallon bucket of juice. There are many whites around, Pinot gris is one but we also like the blends. I am planning on making a variety of country wines. Muscadine, cane berry, perry, cider and others if possible. Its ambitious, but we have plenty of room and I am retired. The farm outside of Corvallis we are on already has some apple, pears, asian pears, plums and some grapes. The grapes aren't where we would plant a vineyard. We have an upper pasture with lots of sun might go there. Picking out the correct vines is a good but tough question. We have done some local wine tasting, but with Covid not much. Really unfortunately our local homebrew shop is closing down so supplies and advice are not going to be closeby. There are others about 90 minutes away. Possible but not frequently. Its actually one of the reasons I joined the forum.