Our luck has run out........

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Take care out ther, hopefully they get it under control soon.

6/29/2011 17:32 - Los Alamos National Laboratory this afternoon announced it will remain closed through Friday, July 1 because of risks presented by the Las Conchas Fire and the mandatory evacuation of Los Alamos town site. Laboratory facilities will be closed for all activities and nonessential employees are directed to remain off site. Personnel are considered nonessential unless they have received specific instructions from their supervisors to report to the Laboratory. Employees should check local news sources, Los Alamos County Emergency Radio on AM 1610, the LANL Update Hotline 505-667-6622 and the LANL web page www.lanl.gov for updates. The Laboratory has posted a number of pictures to its Flickr photo site, http//www.flickr.com/photos/losalamosnatlab/. A Joint Information Center has been established at the Regional Development Corporation, 2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. in Santa Fe. Media should call 505-820-1226 for updates and monitor www.nmfireinfo.com for official fire updates.
Welcome to the Hotel White Rock. You can check out anytime but you can never leave (for fear of not being let back in) LANL now closed though Friday. Thank heaven for Smith's (the local grocery store) and Metzger's (Do It Best) hardware, at least we can get food and do a few odd jobs around the house.....

If I could fiddle..........
Oh yea, no structures lost still. Its up to 90,000 acres now. Tomorrow the winds will pick up and be out of the West which could push it into the townsite. Could make for an exciting day of firefighting.

The TV crews are now getting bored as the Lab is safe and no nuke materials are burning. They try their hardest to start a controversy where this is none so they can sell print or whatever. Loved Brian William's tonight. "Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory"....... Geez yea it pays the bills but we are "Los Alamos NATIONAL Laboratory". We do a shat load more than nukes guys.

We just won a R&D 100 Award for a new technology that would make a disaster like last years Deepwater Horizon oil spill an impossibility ever again. Did anyone see any press about that?

Nope, won't sell papers........
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We just won a R&D 100 Award for a new technology that would make a disaster like last years Deepwater Horizon oil spill an impossibility ever again. Did anyone see any press about that?

Nope, won't sell papers........

the voice of one crying out in the wilderness
You know what's worse...... This was done with cooperation with Chevron Oil. All the smaller test have been completed long ago on land yet they keep canceling the last and most important final deep water test in the Gulf of Mexico over and over again......

They just don't give a shat as long as they have their tax credits still and can create the fear that if we cut them it will cost the US jobs.......

They honestly only care about their bottom line (and the shareholders) I worked for one for 5 years from 1980-1985.... :ts:

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