Oh yea, no structures lost still. Its up to 90,000 acres now. Tomorrow the winds will pick up and be out of the West which could push it into the townsite. Could make for an exciting day of firefighting.
The TV crews are now getting bored as the Lab is safe and no nuke materials are burning. They try their hardest to start a controversy where this is none so they can sell print or whatever. Loved Brian William's tonight. "Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Laboratory"....... Geez yea it pays the bills but we are "Los Alamos NATIONAL Laboratory". We do a shat load more than nukes guys.
We just won a R&D 100 Award for a new technology that would make a disaster like last years Deepwater Horizon oil spill an impossibility ever again. Did anyone see any press about that?
Nope, won't sell papers........