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Jul 3, 2011
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my friend i make wine with sometimes tells me the best way to fine a wine and make the sedement drop is use a fish tank airinater, puts air in the water so the fish can breath, in your wine while transfering...racking...this goes against what i've read about mixing oxygen with wine...could someone please clear this up for us...ty buddy brown...
It's joke right?

DO NOT follow that thought. Crash cool will help BUTT, time is your best friend (along with help from clairifiers).

no i'm not joking...i have 25 galons of wine i did this to due to my friends advice. 5 gallons at a time.
Adding O2/air will oxidize the wine. How much K-Meta did you add?
no i'm not joking...i have 25 galons of wine i did this to due to my friends advice. 5 gallons at a time.

I'd say, stop listening to your friend. Welcome to the forum. One big discussion is how to minimize the oxygen and wine contact.

If he is saying this is a way of degassing the wine ... don't do it, there are better ways.
Absolutely positively do not do that. Degassing and adding a clearing agent will clear your wine quick.
You don't want to do that - you will oxidize your wine.

Time, degassing, and clearing agent will clarify the wine.
Actually StaVin has had something sorta similar for years called the "Ox-Box" made for commercial wineries as an alternative to barrel aging. They actually infuse a small amount of O2 into the wine and when I say small I am talking 1 mL/L/ month. It uses an aeration stone sorta like one for a fish tank but more expensive and infinitely more controllable.

With one of these contraptions and oak spirals you can have the scientific equivalent of an oak barrel with an infinitely reusable steel tank. I have tasted several wines that came out of them and they were fantastic.
I agree with Mike. A controlled micro-oxigenation process would likely not let in as much oxygen in a month as a fish tank aerator would let in in an hour or two. From all I have read, the micro-oxygenation process uses pure oxygen and not air.

Your wine is going to need a serious dosage of Kmeta to keep it from oxidizing quickly.

Do you have the test kit for measuring free SO2?
actually what he does is filter the wine with a funnel with a coffee filter in it, as the wine goes thru the filter he has a air pump and a stone in the funnel...