Peach wine problems

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Jun 14, 2014
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I am very successful with most of my wines. I make apple, raspberry, blackberry, elderberry,..... you get the idea. Pretty much whatever fruit I can get my hands on cheap or free. Over the years I have tried peach about six different times and it defeats me every time. I just poured six gallons of vinegar down the drain. I would love any advice on why this one fruit would escape me. Now I am on a mission.
JB... I have made all those fruit wines you have made & a LOT of Peach wine, lived in the middle of a bunch of Peach orchids in Ga. Never had a problem with Peach, except for clearing very slowly. Adding extra petic enz to the must helps. Also would like to see what you did. Roy
We make a very good peach wine--tastes exactly like eating a peach. Making peach wine is no different from other fruit wines. Use no water, freezing them first yields alot of juice.

If you're having vinegar issues, that is due to 2 things---not enough sulfite and too much head space in carboys.

Why don't you describe your process. I'd be happy to help you with your peach ferment when you get ready to try it again, if you would like.

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