I think its going to be ok
Been sampling the lees again hehe (everythings good at the moment), I added some Lalvin 1122and three cans of Peach apple concentrate.
I prestarted the yeast at 98.6, But it still looks like its over with the fermentation, but Its all good, The fruint concentrate really added to the taste so if it does'nt burn off it will still be good. I dont know why it tasted so strong for so longand not really sweet (unless it turns in the bottle later) but im happy about the taste at this point.. I reracked it again back to the corboy to Mellow out a while.
Heres my final numbers, can anybodyhelp me with my abv% for my label Ive given up on tryin to keep count.
Started at 1.090
Stalled out at 1.036 and added sugar and Nutrients and energizes
went up to 1.054
racked at 1.034
went to 1.032
added juice went to 1.038
Stepped on hydromenter....went in trash........lol (the extra lees kickin in)
So as you see I dont have a clue at the moment....but feelin no pain...
Learned two things on this batch, spigots not really a good thing for taste testing (unless You like creating a new family in the way of Fruit Flys) and Don't ever lay your hydrometer on a towel on the floor.