Phomopsis control

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Senior Member
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Sep 1, 2011
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Northern wisconsin
This year I had a major phomopsis problem even tho I sprayed early and often. A few years ago I tried to figure out how much mancozeb and captan to add per gallon. I’ve been using that formula with mixed results so I’ve been using Microsoft’s AI to help me. According to the AI I’ve been using about half what I should be using. Next year I’ll try the new rate per gallon hopefully with better results.
Next year 1oz per gallon for mancozeb and 2oz per gallon for captan.
i found this a few months ago. has some nice data on dry fungicides and mixing rates. i think i've been using 1Tbsp/gallon for captan ( think it's d50?). a little less than that for manzate. i seem to have had better control this year (sprayed a lot more) ...but it's hard to get it everywhere.


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