pic....mustang or muscidine??

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Senior Member
Nov 5, 2010
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I have a suspicion the grapes that I thought where muscadines are mustang grapes. I can't find much info other than mustangs ripen earlier. Is there a way to tell the difference? Maybe someone here can tell by the pic.

If they are mustangs, does anyone have any insight or info on the wine. The recipe on jack kellers sight seams pretty much the same as the muscadine recipe.


I think your probly right they are clumped pretty much for wild muscadines, do they have what appears to be little tiny specks all over them? Either way you will have some awesome grapes to ferment.
Sorry, no way thats muscadines...been growing them for 11 years here in South carolina.

From the Getgo
Hey cool. I actually found some green grapes today. Ate one and boy was it not ripe. I'm pretty sure my pic is mustang. Time to search a little harder for more muscadines locally. Thanks