Picking Dandelions

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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Picked and prepared 2 quarts dandelion petals today. Hope to get 2 more quarts before they are gone. Then I will prepare my first 2 gallons dandelion wine. Lots of work. I hope its worth it!
I now have 4 quarts. Since they are so large and numerous, I think I may try another batch with the entire blossom sans stem--they will save a lot of work if it produces a satisfactory wine. Cherries were ruined by frost but strawberries should make it. I also now have a source of elderberries.

I am going to toast some white oak and see how that turns out.
I toasted some white oak last year in my oven and the whole house
smelled of vanilla.It took about 45 minutes to toast and they were
5/16" thick by 7/8" wide and 10" long and worked out nice in a gallon
jug. The oak on top is untoasted to show the difference in color. It
makes a lot of noise as it crackles in the oven. It took about an hour
@ 420*

Will you chip the wood or just put a stick in the carboy???

Did the toasting go all the way through the wood?
Thanks for the toasting info., Wade. That was going to be one of my next questions to the board. No pun intended!
Two of my old country buddies brought we 3 slabs of white oak that had been previously cut and seasoned as firewood. I plan to toast it at 420 degrees as recommended. I will test it on a 1-gallon batch of Welch's White Grape.

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