Plant varieties for wine and jam?

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Senior Member
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
Central Maryland
For those of you with elderberry, aronia, blueberry plants, what varieties do you like? I am running through my lists of plants, trying to decide what goes where. I know my apples and cane berries, but the shrub berries I am not familiar enough to really choose. For wine and jam, although the blueberries will get heavily snacked on if I don't get there first.
My blueberry bush types are typically driven by the type that produces the largest sweetest berries. I didn't and don't plan on doing any research for what types yield the best wine. I have two blueberry patches and as soon as the berries are set on I usually put up my netting around them. Birds, raccoons and deer don't get a share of my berries.

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