Polk berry wine 😶

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Mar 9, 2018
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So Google lead me astray, I thought I was making elderberry wine. Turned out after some further research I made Polk berry wine 😶. I made it about the same as grape wine, fermented on the whole fruit for about a week,racked and it's bulk aging now. I've tasted a small amount, taste good and I'm not Dead yet.
I'm getting mixed opinions on what to do now.
Does anyone have First hand experience with wine made from Polk berry??
Poke. P O K E. Jeez. I eat the young, tender springtime leaves properly prepared by boiling and draining twice. But the rest of the plant is poisonous, especially the berries.
wine nope, eating in grease wilted , salad yes, poke has to be picked early spring, at about 6 inches, about 8 inch up gets tough ,and great grand maw and my grand maw , both said, it becomes poisonous while not to tall, i don't know how tall. i was raised to pick in under 6 to 7 inches, so if you used the berries i have always told that they were poison, best rule of thumb, watch to see what birds,, squirrel an deer eat,, and leave it alone if they leave it alone,
that is why it is ill advised to eat Turpan's meat can be poisonous if they are eating poisonous plants
So Google lead me astray, I thought I was making elderberry wine. Turned out after some further research I made Polk berry wine 😶. I made it about the same as grape wine, fermented on the whole fruit for about a week,racked and it's bulk aging now. I've tasted a small amount, taste good and I'm not Dead yet.
I'm getting mixed opinions on what to do now.
Does anyone have First hand experience with wine made from Polk berry??
if you live in the USA , in early spring drive down roads and highways and look for white flowers that are shaped like umbrellas, keep a eye on your spots and they turn to green berries, then they turn black still has a umbrella shape to the top, the leaves have small leaves the stick out each of the stems,, the canes or trunks will be a lighter brown with specks on the cane bark,,
So Google lead me astray, I thought I was making elderberry wine. Turned out after some further research I made Polk berry wine 😶. I made it about the same as grape wine, fermented on the whole fruit for about a week,racked and it's bulk aging now. I've tasted a small amount, taste good and I'm not Dead yet.
I'm getting mixed opinions on what to do now.
Does anyone have First hand experience with wine made from Polk berry??
Use extreme caution and do your research. I've not made wine or jam using any part of Poke Weed. I have done a little research (not scientific). Poke Sallat was sold commercially packaged like canned spinach. The producer stopped selling it because they could not get enough raw product to make it worth producing. The American Natives introduced the plant to the Europeans. There are reports people consume ripe pokeberries (not the seeds) in very small quantities for medicinal reasons, which has not shown benifical results in the lab. Research labs have isolated a few properties of the plant that might show medical promise. Again, use extreme caution and do your research. I've pulled and thrown a few new Poke starts in the trash. Supposedly 10 berries can cause poisoning in a full grown man.
Use extreme caution and do your research. I've not made wine or jam using any part of Poke Weed. I have done a little research (not scientific). Poke Sallat was sold commercially packaged like canned spinach. The producer stopped selling it because they could not get enough raw product to make it worth producing. The American Natives introduced the plant to the Europeans. There are reports people consume ripe pokeberries (not the seeds) in very small quantities for medicinal reasons, which has not shown benifical results in the lab. Research labs have isolated a few properties of the plant that might show medical promise. Again, use extreme caution and do your research. I've pulled and thrown a few new Poke starts in the trash. Supposedly 10 berries can cause poisoning in a full grown man.
my grand maw and great grand maw on moms side where both Cherokee, grandpaw was Cheyenne,,,,, grand paw on dads side was half Comanche ,,
It must be my age, or I'm getting Dyslexic. I first looked at this thread out of sheer curiousity. I thought Pork Belly??? I've cooked Pork Belly in wine, but why would anyone try to make wine out of it. I must get my eyes tested again. :slp
pork berry, man oh man, i put my brown beans, salt- pepper and pork belly in all at once, cook over very low heat at least 2 days, dang. I'm going to start cooking some corn bread, pork and brown beans come moring,,,

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