Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

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I got a real chuckle out of these two memes. The first brought back memories of when, as a youngster, I used to wonder who "round John Virgin" ('round yon virgin) was, why they called the person who told a story on the radio an "air raider" (narrator) and who "Richard Stands" (for which it stands) was.

The second brought back memories of when I worked for DEC (mid to late 70's) and our new disk drive for our PDP8 and PDP16 systems was announced. At the time, a disk drive was a stand alone unit slightly smaller than a modern day washer or dryer, which held a stack of 5 each 14" disks. The sales force was ecstatic because the new drive was "30 meg!" Also, early in my manufacturing career, I remember PROMs and ROMs on our circuit boards which were 8K. When the 16K PROM was introduced, we were in heaven. When the 32K, then 64K came out we thought science was reaching the practical limit of manufacturing. It is laughable today that I sold systems to small newspapers for around $1 million in 1976 that did not have the power or capacity of this laptop I am using today which cost less than $500.

Ain't science grand?!