Dear Floridians,
You are going to be ok!
Here are some quick tips for those who aren’t sure how they are supposed to navigate this weekend’s unholy cold weather.
🏝 Wear real shoes. Your flip flops will have to fend for themselves for a few days. They will be okay.
🏝 Socks! Wear them. Preferably with real shoes.
🏝 Put the doors back on your Jeeps.
🏝 Consider pants. The extra fabric may feel a tad foreign at first, but you gotta power through.
🏝 Stock your fridge now. Publix will be closed. Assume a record number of employees will call in dead. They’ve never been this cold before.
🏝 You've likely never noticed it but there is a setting on your AC unit at home that makes it blow out warm air. Use it. Look for a little fire symbol or the word H E A T
🏝 There is also a similar function for the ac in your car… and turn off the seat AC feature.
🏝 Umbrella. Use an umbrella if you do venture outside. Not for rain, it will help you avoid head injuries caused by frozen iguanas falling from trees. Those suckers are heavy.
🏝 Wash your hair now. You’re not going to this weekend. Perhaps pick up some dry shampoo on your way to pick up the last Publix sub of the week.
🏝 Take deep breaths, you got this. No deep breaths on Saturday though. You’re lungs aren’t used to air that cold. They will collapse… best hold your breath until Monday
Florida, may the odds be ever in your favor...