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Socrates said Know thyself and was killed for it, plus a lot of other things people didn’t want to hear. But basically the same as teddy Roosevelt. Watching the news I’m amazed at people who decided to go driving in a blizzard and then blame the government for their problems when they get stranded.
Socrates said Know thyself and was killed for it, plus a lot of other things people didn’t want to hear. But basically the same as teddy Roosevelt. Watching the news I’m amazed at people who decided to go driving in a blizzard and then blame the government for their problems when they get stranded.

I think it's interesting how quickly blame and political views did get attached to the OP, since I see nothing of either in it, myself. Perhaps that says more about our citizenry currently than anything.

Personally, I recognized early in life that in the US, FREEDOM equals MONEY, and that the more you OWE, the more you are OWNED. So I set about doing what it took to owe as few people as possible (no one for the past 17 years), and accumulate and invest as much as possible.

Neither of those are political, either; they are personal choices. I think we shouldn't let the former distract us from the latter.

TR also said his father taught him a valuable lesson: Never let the numerator exceed the denominator in your financial affairs. Correct.

(It is factual, BTW, that 70% of Americans would have a hard time financially with a $400 sudden expense.)
