Thanks JS,
Pretty cool!
How about yet another perspective..
The voyager 1 spacecraft was launched in 1977 (39 years ago) and is now the furthest man made object in space. It took 37 years for the spacecraft to enter interstellar space (or leave our solar system) and is traveling at 38,610 miles per hour.
Voyager is now approximately 19 light-HOURS from home.
- It would take voyager another 38,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri (our closest neighboring star)
- It would take voyager 899,000 years to travel our galaxy from one end to the other.
- It would take voyager another 19.8 BILLION years to travel to the nearest galaxy (Andromeda).
- And finally, it would take voyager 411 TRILLION years to reach the edge of the know universe!
We are mere specks that live in a very BIG place!!!