How exactly are you uploding your pics, from computer, from iPhone, etc?
Henry Golden Boy in .22lr.
Won third prize in a Rotary Club raffle. $10.00 for the ticket and $5.00 for the background check.
I believe I'm going to keep it stock as I already have a Marlin that I have setup for Cowboy rim fire silhouette competition.
I generally just snag them from my Android smart phone. Plugged into a USB port the computer OS will see it as just another device. Navigate to the pics, open or double click and upload.
Sounds like a lot of work Bill....lol
I just use the WMT app on my iPhone, easy
Merry Christmas to you! Congratulations Bill!
How exactly are you uploding your pics, from computer, from iPhone, etc?
Racked about 600 gallons to barrels yesterday. Now all you nice wines go to sleep till about next fall