Awesome photo Mike. Like your use of the slow shutter speed.
All you photogs all geared up and ready for this solar eclipse next week? I'm anticipating some gems from you guys.
Well, first the UAH Physics Department came through with a viewer for me and one for my wife.
But then, NASA came through with a gennie NASA "meatball" viewer and an in-depth Eclipse Kit! WHOA!!! A keeper kit, for posterity...
So I am all set!And I can trust that these viewers meet all the standards. If I drove an hour north of my farm, I'd be in totality. But no way am I going to subject myself to that traffic jam. I'll view it at 97-98% on campus Monday. Close enough.
You don't have much time. You need a hefty amount of "Eclipse Training" before Monday. This consist of sitting out on the patio with your Eclipse glasses on while drinking a cold one.