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Lots of buds this year! I'll be making more crab apple wine this fall... hopefully try for 2 batches since the first is almost gone already. (Gave too much away)


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It fell yesterday afternoon. I'd attached a line that coaxed it into falling safely. Rocky, yes the downspouts at both ends of the house feed into the rocks then drain down the hill to the left of the house.

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Wow, and here I am impressed when my yucca plants throw up a 6' stalk. Where the hell does the biomass for that thing come from?

Nice looking Azalea, Varis. We can't grow them in this part of Ohio. The soil is too alkaline and we have to add lots and lots of acid. They still do not do well. I am originally from PA and the soil there was very acidic. Azalea, Rhododendron and laurel grew like crazy. Probably why the Mountain Laurel is the State flower.

Incidentally, I have often wondered if Al Kaline's (the former Detroit Tiger) father had a sense of humor when he named him.
A few pictures of my Son's newest hobby. It's a Husky/Chow mix and he is named Talon (I think it is an Air Force thing). He's very mellow and getting along with a much older dog in the same house.



As I was thanking my Son for his service to his country on this Memorial Day, he reminded me of the importance of this holiday we celebrate.

He said "Dad, remember those who gave it all".
About 6 weeks ago our Agave started sprouting a bloom. My understanding is they bloom once and die and that this one was planted somewhere around 2003, if the neighbors memories are correct. It was standing straight until 3 days ago when it started listing slightly away, luckily, from the house. We're expecting it to get windy this afternoon and at the rate it's leaning I don't expect it to stand for much longer. I tied a rope to it to hopefully guide it away from the flag pole and driveway when it does go. Absolutely no clue how much it weighs but the base of the stalk is about 8" across and feels like solid wood. I'm estimating somewhere between 25 and 30 feet tall. The flag pole is 14' tall for reference. News at 11:00.....

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