Quite the image!
I've seen similar swinging chairs advertised here. But never saw one live and in person.I wonder how popular these are here in the states. I saw plenty of options and business places carrying those in the DR, so they seem real popular down there specifically for a balcony.
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I wonder how popular these are here in the states. I saw plenty of options and business places carrying those in the DR, so they seem real popular down there specifically for a balcony.
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All my vehicles were bought with cash. I own them. Nothing to buy but gas. Works for me, and saves me $70K that if spent on a Tesla would go to an arrogant billionaire otherwise. Regular unleaded here is $3.71 presently, and dropping by the day now.
That's funny. Last year I got 15-20. A lot more than I normally eat as well.This is hilarious.
Haven't grown squash in years so I forgot their growth habit.
Butternut and spaghetti squash with some watermelon from a plant 20 ft away. Counted 42 spaghetti squash so far - which is about 40 more than I usually eat in a year. There's a 6 ft section of cattle fence inside as a trellis. Everything was going to be neat and tidy... When will it stop growing!!??
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All my vehicles were bought with cash. I own them. Nothing to buy but gas. Works for me, and saves me $70K that if spent on a Tesla would go to an arrogant billionaire otherwise. Regular unleaded here is $3.71 presently, and dropping by the day now.
@geek I am thankful there are people buying EVs and supporting the advancement of the technology. Driving around Austin every day it seems like I see them everywhere. I personally have not reached the point where I can take that plunge but I think it is the future. Or something like it. We will never break the death grip fossil fuels have on our economy (and our planet) as long as our main mode of transportation depends on it. It doesn't mean we have to throw away our love of ICEs. Just ease off of the dependency. Cheers, Varis!
@geek I am thankful there are people buying EVs and supporting the advancement of the technology.
I agree 100%. Musk is absolutely brilliant. By the way, I bought me an electric vehicle.I like how we have options. I know Tesla is not for everyone and the fact the kindergardens running the economy want to push EV down the throat of consumers is very bad, by forcing gas prices up like never seen in recent years.
I tell my friends only buy an expensive EV if you can affod it and you want the technology.
Elon Musk may be looked from different angles, me personally I think he is and has been a great inventor and life changing, just look at the things he has owned and has challenged in today's world to change it, I don't care about his personality, I care about the changes he has brought to the table. Maybe, and just maybe, if it was not because of PayPal we'd still be writing checks to send payments. Also I look at SpaceX.....just unbelieveable.
I lost out big time on tapes. I was absolutely certain that 8-tracks would be the winner over those fragile, little cassettes - bigger is better, right? So I bought all 8 tracks. Even bought an 8 track recorder.Yup. What I said about Betamax, too. Waited, waited ... VHS won. I bought.Early adapters, god love their souls, pay more and may be technologically left behind.
That said, I instead supported things by investing in several EV startups instead of buying one. We'll see how that works out in 10 years. I have owned Tesla stock, too, but only to ride the wave up, cash in, wait for it to fall, then ride the wave up, cash in... I do not own any now.
I agree 100%. Musk is absolutely brilliant. By the way, I bought me an electric vehicle.
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Yeah, everyone carried two 8-track boxes. One full of the ones you listen to and one in the trunk full of the ones that are broke but you’re going to fix somedayI lost out big time on tapes. I was absolutely certain that 8-tracks would be the winner over those fragile, little cassettes - bigger is better, right? So I bought all 8 tracks. Even bought an 8 track recorder.![]()