Hot air.Are those electric balloons? Just wondering.
No problem. Thanks for all you do for the site.That was caused by an old email/private message being sent out during a database tweak. It was immediately turned off.
Sorry for the interruption.
Looks like the same tradesman does electrical work, too!
Along with the vineyard, I have a fruit orchard and some nut trees. Chestnut, filbert, black walnut and English walnuts.
English walnuts had a nice crop this year. This is a 6' X 7' pile of walnuts, about 2 layers thick. Spread out to dry. Probably another bucket full in the trees. Depends who gets them, me, the squirrels or the blue Jays! View attachment 106393
Nice chestnuts just starting to drop
View attachment 106392
My Dad helped calibrate the gyros for the Saturn V. Mom worked with the human factors for capsule layout and uncle worked on test firing the Saturn Vs. All vack in the 60s. And I'm in the general area.