Just back from a 650-mile shakedown road trip with Sue to Carbondale, Illinois, in the 2005 50th Anniversary Thunderbird. My coil pack work performed well. The car ran flawlessly. We got lots and lots of thumbs-up on the car.
Here are a couple of shots on the Southern Illinois University Carbondale campus, and a couple of pix of our Quatro's Pizza, a deep-dish Chicago style delicacy. The last time I sat down there was 43 years ago. It tasted just as awesome as back then, except now Quatro's has a house beer, too! The place looked the same. Brought two leftover pieces home. Now gone.
We took US highways 64 and 641 for 75% of the trip, and both were really nice. Longer time to get there but a much more relaxed experience than interstate driving, and we were in no hurry. We liked it so much on the way up that we chose to take the route on our return, too. Next time we'll stay 3-4 days.
Strangest part of the trip was seeing the headless deer on the sides of the road. Bucks are in rut, and so this is their stupid season, and trucks hit lots of them. Then hunters drive by, spot a deer with a nice rack, and cut off the head.
Now prepping for a December departure to Phoenix, if the weather holds.
Brought home a 12 of this...
...and a 6er of this to try out... Salukis are the mascot of SIU...
Oh yeah, gas price report: Premium was 67 cents higher in Illinois than in Kentucky and $1.09 a gallon higher than in south-central Tennessee where I live.