No crashed UFO at Roswell either!A whimsical "Historical" map of New Mexico circa 1939. Note that Los Alamos is nowhere to be found on the map mostly because it didn't exist then!
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I was in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan when that happened (1300km or 800 miles away) . Several days later, the sun, sky and cars turned a funny brownish colour. Made me feel pretty insignificant in the scope of the incident. It looks very nice now.Climbing out of Seattle
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Now I know what the K stands for...Kittens are my Achilles heal.
I feed a very feral cat on the deck and a few weeks back she brought her kittens for the free food. Mom has terrible mother instincts - she'd feed them a couple times a day and disappear. Unfortunately one by one they disappeared until only one was left and she didn't know she was supposed to be feral. If I was on the deck she was rubbing against my leg. One chilly morning I found her curled in a corner trying to stay warm. I said "Dammit" and brought her in the house.
"Gypsy" is the newest household member and she sleeps with me every night.
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Fixed it. LOL All I know is that I just got out my snow blower for 6" of snow. Now normally 6" of snow would be nothing to shovel off my drive but I could not lift a full shovel of snow after moving it 2 feet. Even my snow blower was choking on this stuff. Heavy, wet snow and since this is a Pacific front the temps are warmer than an arctic front so its 37 right now and turning to slush fast. This stuff has tons of water in it and it is heading east after it leaves us tonight so look out! Big rains coming to the east coast in a couple days!I thought this was an El Nino year?? It's so hard to tell, weather will be what weather will be.
Fixed it. LOL All I know is that I just got out my snow blower for 6" of snow. Now normally 6" of snow would be nothing to shovel off my drive but I could not lift a full shovel of snow after moving it 2 feet. Even my snow blower was choking on this stuff. Heavy, wet snow and since this is a Pacific front the temps are warmer than an arctic front so its 37 right now and turning to slush fast. This stuff has tons of water in it and it is heading east after it leaves us tonight so look out! Big rains coming to the east coast in a couple days!