I'm melancholy while making this next post because I just learned that the day after we were there, The Tomato Pizza trailer had a fire and is a total loss. But it will return!
This stop has quite a back story. My childhood friend Robert Slusarski (who I have known since we were age 8 ) and his wife Becky ran a chain pizza joint in college town Denton that they started in 1984. When the chain dissolved, they were allowed to slightly change the name to The Tomato Pizza and to continue in business with the recipes.
While running the pizzeria, they saw several generations of college kids grow up who came in as customers and hung out there, and they almost literally (and in some cases, literally, lol) raised several of them. Then gentrification came, rents skyrocketed, and the brick and mortar place closed. But the goodwill it had generated in the community never died.
A couple years ago, Robert began making those same style Tomato pizzas from his home for a few select people who wanted the nostalgic taste. People would post pictures of it on FB ("Look what I got! A The Tomato Pizza!") and the comments were incredible.
Then Robert's son, Michael, outfitted a The Tomato Pizza (
https://www.facebook.com/thetomatopizza) food trailer and set it at the Austin Street Truck Stop, a downtown food truck park (
All those years of goodwill and nostalgia came pouring out. They sold out of pizza the first few days they were open, just could not keep up with the demand, and the business has been fabulously supported by old-time customers who bring their kids along for a taste, as well as new customers.
Now, after talking with Robert during his home pizza phase and then the process of bringing back The Tomato Pizza, we're gonna get a taste and get to meet his son Michael, the man who brought the dream back alive. Fall hours meant the place was closed for lunch, but Robert custom-made deep-dish and thin crust pizzas just for us. Joy!
Plus, we got a tour of the inside of the trailer, a tour of the food park concept (all of which is not corporately owned, as is the one in my area) and Miss Angeline's (a nearby bar), as well as a stop at The Bearded Monk (
beardedmonk.com) a nearby beer store. It is all conveniently co-located. Really, a great concept overall. FUN! The Bearded Monk is the second ever time that I took pix inside a public restroom. Whoa! Picked up some Texas Lager there.
Miss Angeline's has an expansive bar with sofas and easy chairs for seating, so people can enjoy conversation and a leisurely sip.
Yet sadly, as it turns out, we were the last two people to eat The Tomato pizza for the time being and the place is temporarily closed as they recover. But if you go to the FB page link and see all the positive posts, it will return! I've already promised to help make that happen.