Post flavoring

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You can backsweeten and/or flavor with anything you want. However -- bench test first, e.g., in a glass of wine add a small amount of the flavoring, stir well, and taste. The taste you like in a mixed drink may not be what you want in 2 cases of wine.
A puree means that it is pulp with all the fiber which settled out at first racking. Technically it can sweeten and increase flavor. BUT your appearance will suffer.

As @winemaker81 hinted at, there are clear syrups used in the mixed drink market that add flavor and sugar without the pulp/ fiber. I have used TORANI strawberry syrup and liked the flavor and clarity.
A puree means that it is pulp with all the fiber which settled out at first racking. Technically it can sweeten and increase flavor. BUT your appearance will suffer.

As @winemaker81 hinted at, there are clear syrups used in the mixed drink market that add flavor and sugar without the pulp/ fiber. I have used TORANI strawberry syrup and liked the flavor and clarity.
Resuscitating this thread, Rice_Guy. You suggest that you have used Torani strawberry syrup in wine making. Does that mean that you used it in your must and successfully fermented it? Does the Benzoate act to inhibit or prevent fermentation? I am thinking of using some Torani to make a nano batch of pistachio-flavored wine.
Does that mean that you used it in your must and successfully fermented it?
Torani products are expensive. No I wouldn’t try to ferment them. It is cheaper to go to Walmart and buy frozen strawberry.
Torani used as a sugar source might inhibit yeast reproduction. The calculated SG of strawberry that I just opened was 1.240. Note that they also sell artificially sweetened versions.
The Torani flavors are natural / come off as fresh, so I use them to build back flavors / fruity aromatics after fermentation.
My favorite flavors are Virginia Dare, unfortunately they are in the 55 gallon drum market, not retail.
In contrast most synthetics are missing part of the aroma. When I use them I limit it to increase the level of volatiles, one or two ml in a five gallon.
Torani products are expensive. No I wouldn’t try to ferment them. It is cheaper to go to Walmart and buy frozen strawberry.
Torani used as a sugar source might inhibit yeast reproduction. The calculated SG of strawberry that I just opened was 1.240. Note that they also sell artificially sweetened versions.
The flavors are natural / come off as fresh, so I use them to build back flavors / fruity aromatics after fermentation.
Most synthetics are missing part of the aroma. When I use them I limit it to increase the level of volatiles, one or two ml in a five gallon.
Much appreciated. I have a half a bottle of Torani pistachio flavored syrup that I acquired from a family member. I guess I will use it to make a liqueur from some vodka. Again, many thanks