Post pictures of your wine workbench

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Work bench??

What's that?

I use the floor in 3 different rooms.

I catch heck when my wine trickles into other rooms like when I use the regular kitchen to "make sugar messes"...

Funny, he doesn't mind drinking it when it's done! LOL
My wife tells me I am out of control also and keeps asking me when she is going to get her kitchen back. This forum has been my hero teaching me things that I didn't know I am very gald that I joined
I have taken over another part of the cellar. I am putting in the sink shortly I will post pics when it is done....
we recently got a cutting board that spans from one end over one side of the sink. this allows use of one sink and lots of room to work.




this is our work area. we could actually use more space! :)
This is why my wife is upset with my because this is sitting in her kitchen and she wants her kitchen back

Wine 2010 012.jpg
I just built a new winebench to hold more bottles, I seem to have a problem with capacity, this will delay for a year or two.

I built an 8 feet long, 18" deep, 44" tall bench to hold ~100 bottles (1.75 liters mostly)

You can see the racks behind the doors:

And my other bench, with a precaution

Seriously ouch.

Somehow this happened when were were walking the dog, so he was OK. I guess it was good clean living, because I don't know how he wasn't hurt or killed, he lives in the garage when we are not home. Took almost 2 hours to clean the garage. It was the scariest experience of my young life.

Please never store bottles on the tree, it is a very bad idea.
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After seeing these work benches, you'll probably never get to see mine. From the wall to the work bench is about 3 ft. I can't get far enough away to take a pic. You guys have all the fun.
My recovery is finally going better. I looked at my wine yesterday and there's wine that I have not racked for 3 months. So I better get better quick. There's lots of work to be done. :b
Glad to hear you are doing well. :b Yes get better faster there is racking to be done... LOL Funny how things can motivate us... :db
I read on one of the threads that someone had a bottling party is that what we need to do for you to help you out. Gald to hear your feeling better so are we going to an island get away to finish healing up
Here is my wine making room. It gives me a place to work and it's out of everyone's way. I took a picture of all four walls, you'll have to piece them together in your mind. The wines I have going are Frontenac, Concord, Elderberry, Apple Raspberry, Green Apple Skeeter Pee X2.




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Nice Lon can't wait until I get a room like that myself
I finally have a wine room after 15 years of using the kitchen and I'm lovin' it - it sure is nice to be able to close the door and just leave everything as is and waiting for me. I still have lots to do to finish it off but it is quite functional now. I only have racks for 100 bottles and the rest I keep in boxes - my small closet will hold about 28 cases.
Sorry for the size of the pictures but it's an accomplishment for me just to get them on here!





Dugger very nice room! BUT WHATS WITH THE CHAIR? You have got everyone beat out that I know of so far. WOW an easy chair in the wine room!:b
That must be for when he sampled to much wine so he can sleep it off
Lon very cool. I was expecting to see you're pallet wine racks though. These look pretty good! Nice room:try

I've got two other rooms that I store finished wines in. One storage room has the Skid Row wine racks and the other has ladder racks.