This is a bit late. But for what it worth, I disagree with Brian on this one. The first label is my favorite. What he calls empty is white space and is as important to a design as the graphic themselves. Although some things could be enlarged for balance. A balance of elements and white space keeps it from looking busy. And the layout leads your eye right down through all the information you want. You don't get frustrated looking for the info. It's Bearclaw, it's Merlot, it's 2022. You might also add the ABV. There are also a lot of great elements in the second one. I like the claw shield, the splash of color, and the Bearclaw font and underline.
I agree with Dave that the bear claw is instantly recognizable. You may want to keep it. Of course there are thing I could suggest to see how they look, and I won't spare you them. First, you might enlarge the claw somewhere between 20-40% or so, and/or make it a bit bolder. You may even try the shield claw in its place. You may want to try the second underlined Bearclaw in the first. I like to include the ABV info as well. Also, my mother request this info. I think she wants to know what she's getting. If you add the ABV in say the bottom right corner, then you can add something like 750ml to balance it out and give the upper elements support, as it were.