This sounds like a bad deal.......Sorry to hear about the reactions...Looks like it is another of those high potent drugs that come with side effects.....Hopefully the treatments will get better.....But if it's working, that's all that counts...just ride out the storm. The good days are a blessing, hope you are getting to sleep well, that is the best healing process.
Are you able to maintain some of your daily activities????....those are what keeps the spirit up and the spirit is the heart of the soul and life itself....Some days just going outside and getting fresh air and walking around can be very uplifting....then sometimes all I personally see is weeds and work and that's a downer.
Glad you are gaining some weight back....that is a plus, especially if you lost a lot of it...that can make you weak. What are you doing to gain the weight back???
I lost about 12 pounds, so I am bouncing around 110-112#...which isn't bad at 5'¼" tall, I like this weight, I was a little chunky before...I eat well even tho food doesn't taste good...I was weak at first, but now am stronger, try to do a little work each day to get some mussel tone back....On the plus side I went through my closet and got out 3 pairs of skinny jeans, so liked that.
Hope your nasty cancer cells are getting zapped...seems these drugs take down some good cells while they are doing their job...So hang in there and please keep us Posted on your progress....Keep up good spirits.
Life is indeed good!!!! There aren't many alternatives.
Edited by: Northern Winos