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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2010
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I seen Toddrods thread about barrels and that got me thinking about wanting to get new primary bucket. 7.9 gallon sometimes just isn't big enough for my liking. I found these on the net, It doesn't say it on the net but the bottom of the cans say commercial use food grade. I found them in 10 20 and 30 gallon. I was thinking about the 10 gallon for a primary, large enough to do 6 gallon batches yet small enough to still fit in the closet.
Any thoughts?
In 4 years of kit wine making, I have never had a 7.9 gallon bucket be too small...
In 4 years of kit wine making, I have never had a 7.9 gallon bucket be too small...

Doc, If you ferment with fresh fruit the 7 plus buckets just don't have quite enough room. You can sometimes fit everything in, but when the ferment starts, well, that is when you clean up the mess. LOL. Anyway, most of my fresh fruit batches are done in two buckets. A bit more work, have to split the ingredients, but keeps the mess down. Arne.
The brut cans are #2 food grade the same as the white buckets they sell us to ferment in. I like them for fermenting.
In 4 years of kit wine making, I have never had a 7.9 gallon bucket be too small...

Maybe you have never made a MM Meglioli with its huge grape pack and/or raisin pack thrown into the mix. Lots of us have a ten-gallon fermenter for this very reason.
I use the Brutes all the time, they also have a gray that I use. Just look for the stamp on the bottom
I have three sizes of the brutes. I got them all at Home Depot. Since most of the time they are empty, I keep them lined with garbage bags and use them as such in the wine room.
I have three sizes of the brutes. I got them all at Home Depot. Since most of the time they are empty, I keep them lined with garbage bags and use them as such in the wine room.

I don't think that is one of the commandments however I am sure it is a sin of some sort. Possible even punishable by exile in some countries :)
I think you mean
If so I looked at them, they were not as heavy as the brutes. Probably don't mean anything but the one I seen just felt cheap.

Hey Duster,
That link points to a bottle of bentonite!!!

If you are trying to reference the white, ten-gallon fermenter bucket. It is a very nice fermenter. Like the brutes, which I have used in the past, the lid does not totally seal, it just snaps into place. Still, it's a nice fermentor.
that's crazy, JJ's link pointed to a bottle of benonite for me, that why I added a second link.
Gotta love technology, when it works anyway :w
thanks Dan, I'd ask what you did differently but I'm sure i'd get an answer I couldn't understand.
thanks Dan, I'd ask what you did differently but I'm sure i'd get an answer I couldn't understand.

Duster it works this way for many on line catalogs. Do not go to the product and copy the link or shortcut. The page just before the product is displayed (the contents showing the item to click on to go to the item page), right click on the item and a drop down box will pop up. Click on "copy shortcut".

I hope this makes sense. It took me a while to figure it out.
looked at them the brute is 30.00 for 20 gallon as the one at fine vine wines is 30.00 for 10 gallon. I think if I had a fruit tree I would go for the larger and get it over with.
Duster it works this way for many on line catalogs. Do not go to the product and copy the link or shortcut. The page just before the product is displayed (the contents showing the item to click on to go to the item page), right click on the item and a drop down box will pop up. Click on "copy shortcut".

I hope this makes sense. It took me a while to figure it out.

Darn on line catalogs! I'm off to make a 4oz primary out of a bentonite bottle...
ok, I understand that the 16th chapel was painted one brush stroke at a time but if I have to start making my wine one grape at a time I may need to find a new hobby :)