Puppies are gooooooooooo!

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There is nothing better than new puppies, except for getting rid of new kittens...
Any one want any, I've got six that are ready to find new homes..
I'm glad that mom didn't have any troubles. Bigger dogs seem to have less than the small breeds.
Our last four Bostons had to be taken by C-section. $750.00 to the vet!!!
the chubby male is Junior LOL! i think were gonna call the chubby girl Tubbs LOL!!!! its ok, im a big girl i can do that LMAO!
It wont be long before you start seeing their individual personalities. That's when they really start getting cute!
Right now I've one of my Boston at my feet. She would bark everytime she heard me talk. Even before she had her eyes open, she would hear me and bark. Between the voice and smell, she picked me as her's.
So of course she got named Barker.
Cute puppies .I wish the mom would get on that snuggle blanket there she must be sore laying there so long . I hope you have lots of ribbon for thier necks cause you will have to change it every other day the way they grow lol .
Ya we change the ribbon daily as somone is always getting out of it LOL!!!! i dont know how they manage it!
rainbow has been a GREAT mom!! she has to be forced to leave them to go outside, then runs into the yard does her business and hauls but back to the door LOL!
i had to lock her outta the room when i did the sex and weight checks LOL! she was so annoying nosing my leg and not leaving my side and pacing around me in circles LMAO! so i locked her out and got it done real quick... they all weigh around a pound some a few oz.s more some a few less but all right in there... going to weigh them again this afternoon and again daily for a week to amke sure they are growing...then i do weekly checks after that.
cant wait for their eyes to open!!!
LOL me to!!! to funny!! the pups are doing well, ill post pics later, im to flipping tired to deal with it now....hell were lucky i remembered to pay the morgage!!! dang!