question about cutting racking canes

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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I would like to make my racking canes shorter so that I could store them in a bucket with kmeta. I was thinking I could put them together with vinyl tubing. Anyone ever do that.
I have an old cooler that has a latch that seals it shut. I put an open container of na-meta solution in the cooler, and store other stuff around it. It is the sulfur gas that keeps everything sanitized. Note: I have noticed that the sulfur eats away at some stuff, so not everything goes in the cooler for long-term.
I'd soak them in Star San, at least you won't blow up your lungs when you open that cooler!
i dont store, its to easy to rinse/clean before i use and after I use. takes maybe 40 seconds
i dont store, its to easy to rinse/clean before i use and after I use. takes maybe 40 seconds

I rinse them after each use with hot water and starsan and or Kmeta. However, my tubing looks nasty inside. I often put a cotton ball in them and blow it through. I am just going to replace my tubing.
My husband gave me one of his extra rifle barrel cleaning rods. A little bit of paper towel on the end and it works great.
I rinse them after each use with hot water and starsan and or Kmeta. However, my tubing looks nasty inside. I often put a cotton ball in them and blow it through. I am just going to replace my tubing.

Tubing is inexpensive. Why not simply replace it when it shows wear or staining? For the sake of a few dollars you could spoil gallons of wine and months of anticipation.
Got me a rifle cleaning rod and some swabs. gonna use my cooler and I will feel much better about my tubing and canes.

Thanks to all.