Hey Fuzz, I've made several batches using the frozen concentrates. Heres what I have going now. Use 3 cans to make a gallon.
I used Dole 100% juice froze concentrate.(read the ingredients on the cans. You want 100% juice, abscorbic/citricacid is okay, be sure it doesn't list any sorbate or preservatives, sulphite, etc.)
4 cans Pine/Orange/Mango
3 cans Pine/Orange?Banana
3 cans Pine/orange/strawberry
That made about 3.25 gallons or so.
6 cups gran sugar
1/4 tsp k-meta
2 tsp Pectin Enzyme
1/4 teaspoon yeast energizer
It is in a fermenting bucket. I stired the hell out of it and let it sit about 14 hours. SG 1.090
I pitched one sachet of Premier Cuvee, rehydrated. And it took off like a rocket. I have the lid just resting on the bucket. On day two it was going so good when I peaked in on it it was rolling damn near like boiling water. This should be a good one!
I like using the concentrates for now, may take the plunge and try a kit, but for now these concentrates are affordable. The juice I used were $2/ can, but you can usually get them a little cheaper. This is the third time I've used this Premier Cuvee, I know very little about different yeasts but this Premier rocks!
Good luck, keep us posted