quick question on temperature

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Dec 3, 2009
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hey guys, quick question , does wine clear quicker when it sits at fermentation temp, or in a fridge? (this is without finings or clearing agents). Thanks!
I know beer clears quicker at colder temps, but I can't say for sure with wine. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than me will chime in any minute with a better answer, though. :)
I believe it is called cold stabilization. Where fermentation cannot occur due to the cold and the leas fall out faster.................. don't quote me on it though.

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Cooler temps without fining agents in most cases unless there is another problem like protein haze in which temp wont matter.
Cold stabilization is the process of taking the temp way down to a finished fermented wine. This process is to get Excess tartaric acids to precipitate out of suspension.
Cold crashing is the act of taking the temp down during fermentation to stop the fermentation early. After a few weeks of those temps you immedialtely rack off those lees while still at that temp and sulfite and sorbate. This is not guranteed and after sweetening you should watch carefully. Best bet is to sterile filter at that point witha flter in the .35-.45 micron range.
Thanks guys, I just wanted to check, my blackberry was just racked for the first time after sitting in primary for about 9 days, i am going to cold stabilize it for about 10 like i did with some others i made, then rack it again and add another 5 days of cold, then I will bottle it. :) it smells delicious already, I hope I can be patient on this one! :D
oh also, on the subject of filters my lhbs has a harris vinbrite filter for 35$ is this a decent filter?
If youre talking about the gravity filter, I have it and it does the job but takes awhile. About 45 minutes to run 6 gallons of already cleared wine through. Remember, your wine should already be clar when using a filter or it will just clog up making the experience unpleasant!

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