Berry/stone fruit press
So I used this one on my recent plum wine, although i had originally designed it for blackberries. I successfully pressed about 30lbs of plums, with the only snag being seeds getting caught between my plunger and my bucket walls. The seeds caused my plunger to unscrew itself when i tried to back it off, so I grabbed my sanitized paddle, that i use for mixing must/wine, and simply slipped it in between the plunger and bucket wall to knock seeds back down.
Cost was ~$20 from the big orange hardware store
Supplies: 2x4 stud, 1/4"? plywood (more than i needed), 1/2" threaded rod w/ hexbolts/locking washers (got these from a pack of 6)
I started with measuring my bucket diameter and height. Don't forget to at somepoint drill holes in the bottom of your bucket for juices/pulp to drain.
Built a rectangle-frame to go around it and drilled a hole in the center/top for my threaded rod. I glued a nut in place, but it pulled out during my first run, so I clamped a second 2x4(scrap from my project) with a hole drilled for the rod. Thus keeping my nut 'secured' to the frame [note my last photo vs. previous 'complete' photos].
I also measured and added small chunks of wood to the inside of frame, so that I could clamp and secure bucket; thus avoiding spinning.
Cut two circles from the plywood, at the approximate diameter of the bottom of my bucket. Cut a hole in the center of one for a nut. Bracketed and glued them together and hammered/glued a nut into the one w/ hole. A locking washer did with second bolt, back tightened down, did a decent job holding it to the threaded rod. Glue did not pull loose like in my frame.
Attach a 3/4" hex-socket to your ratcheting socket-wrench and viola. Pressin' time!