Add 20-30% of #’s of fruit what was used in the primary (if you used 30# in recipe then you will need 6-9# more for the f-pac) in a large frying pan or pot. Simmer to extract all "flavor" and reduce the water from the fruit. Strain thru a kitchen strainer and add AFTER you rack and after the wine is DRY ( .990) You MUST have added k-meta and Sorbate before adding the f-pac. Once adding the f-pac you can add clearing agent. You will have to rack at least 2+ more times. Then
back sweeten to YOUR taste using simple syrup.
Degassing will help clear you wine. It's common to see floaties after adding the f-pac. Wait at least 2 weeks sfter adding the clearing agents before racking.I noticed some particles gathered up top of the carboy from the f pac. Is this normal and will eventually settle out?? After a couple of days and I add the clearing agent will I have to rack again some where down the road? I thought you had to rack a couple more times because I added a f pac
Thanks for the help
Oh and it seems to be very gassy
When adding the clearing agent do you dissolve in a cup of boiling water first before adding to your wine??
Some yes some no ck the label. The powdered I dissolve in warm water. The sparlolloid I boil according to directions. The 2 part just pour in.