Racking questions

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Oct 10, 2013
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I'm 6 months into my first wine making batch of 4 gallons of wild grape wine. Before I present my questions, I'll give a rundown of my wine receipe I came up with.
In early October I picked 21 lbs of stemmed wild grapes. I don't know what kind, but they were fairly large, almost black, and fairly sweet. After mashing I had 2.25 Gal. To this I added 2 gal of water, 10 1/2 cups sugar to adjust my SG to 1.09. Acity tested at 0.6. I added 3 1/2 crushed campden tablets and let set for 24 hrs before adding yeast. Got active fermenting for about 5 days in bucket, and when my SG was 1.022 I squeezed the juice from the must and filled a disinfected 3 gal carboy and a 1 gal jug and placed fermentation locks. The secondary fermenting lasted for exactly 1 month until very little signs of CO2 activity was present. Tested the SG at 0.992. My first racking 11/18/13 I siphoned the wine into a sanitised 5 gal bucket, leaving most lees behind. I cleaned and resantized my carboys and siphoned the wine back from the bucket. Had to add three cups to top off carboys before installing my air locks. I used water and Carlos Rossi Blush wine for topping off. Very little if any activity in the wine was showing. I racked the wine again on 1/6/14 the same way as first racking. Tested the SG again and it was still at 0.992. I added 1 1/2 campdon tablets at this time, and topped off with santized marbles before replacing the airlocks.
My wine is still setting in the carboys now about 3 1/2 months since last racking. This is where I have racking questions. I was not aware of the oxidation issue before, but now I'm wondering if I have been ok doing my racking into a bucket, then back to the carboys, or am I running the risk of oxidation this way? I have been carefull not to cause any splashing while siphoning. My wine in the carboys now looks very red and clear with what appears to be a slight dusting of lees showing in the 3 gal carboy. I plan to do ageing in the carboys a few more months before bottling. Should I rack again now, or should I leave the wine set as is?
Thanks for any help.
I will often rack from after dry, whether that is a bucket or a carboy, into a bucket to start my stabilization, degassing and clearing and then right back into a fresh carboy for bulk aging. I will often rack from carboy to a bucket and then bottle from the bucket just to get the wine off any very fine sediment that might have settled. The wine is only in the bucket for a short period of time which is why I guess I've never had an oxidation issue. Also, with the rack to a bucket for degassing your wine, I guess, is somewhat protected by the CO2 in the wine - until of course most has been stirred out. But then you're back into a carboy.

If I've read correctly I would add maybe 1/8 tsp. of k-meta and rack again. You can just dump the k-meta into the fresh carboy and rack away.
Thanks Bill for the reply back. It sounds like I shouldn't be having any oxidation problems with my racking into a bucket. I believe I will rack one more time and then bulk age the wine in the carboys a few more months before bottling. You mentioned adding k-meta into the carboys. I'm not familar as to what k-meta is. I was thinking of putting some crushed campdon tablets to the carboys. Also, what is degassing?

K-meta is an active ingredient in campden tablets. Google "k-meta campden conversion" and one of the first couple of links will explain all. Would find it myself but am on phone.

It seems to me that you are doing everything properly. You red wine has tannins and you have been adding campden tablets (k-meta) that will help protect your wine against what little o2 your wine has come in cantact with.


Just ensure that you are keeping your carboy as full as possible.

I would re-test the acid at this point. If below .6 gpl, I would adjust up to .65.

Go ahead and rack again. performing a min of 3 rackings is SOP for me.
I racked my 4 gallons of wine today. The SG tested at 0.992, which is the same as it was in January and November. I did an acid test, and I came up with between 7 & 8 % acidity. I tested after adding 4 crushed campdon tablets. I hope that wasn't a mistake. The wine is very clear and actually tasted fairly good. I plan on ageing the wine another 3 months before bottling.
