Recipe for making a "white" Dornfelder?

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
Reaction score
Niagara Region, Canada
Hi all,
A relative of ours really loves Dornfelder done like a white, so basically pressed immediately into must, no fermenting on skins. It comes out looking like a Rose'. They always make it as a partial wine, part juice. So like back sweetening with frozen juice but they use more then you'd normally do for back sweetening.

I've been asked to make it this year, which I'll be doing next week. I'm not sure total quantity yet, but I'll be getting probably like 300lbs of freshly picked grapes from a family vineyard.

I'll be getting most of my tips from the relative who usually makes this (he's too busy harvesting their actual grapes), but thought I'd check here if anyone has any experience making this or tips/gotcha's?

Thanks for any help.
I can't help with a recipe since I never made it but the juice that was produced post crush when I picked up my Dornfelder last Saturday reminded me of a white Merlot, very nice almost blue/purple hue to the rosé color. After 3 or 4 hours on the skins with Lallazyme EX added it was an intense purple, so press quickly!
Well we got 140L out of it, then I ran out of fermentation pails.
So we didn't even do a second pressing. About 100L of that was just hand/baseball bat crushing.

We are fermenting 110L of it, have 23L frozen, and the rest we made grape jelly with and/or drank fresh.

Everything is fermenting now, seems to be doing well. OG was 1070, so won't be a high alcohol wine, which is good because that's how the person likes it.

Thankfully I've been offered the use of some commercial facilities when bottling time comes, I wouldn't want to be doing 150+ bottles by hand.