Red Cross crusher question

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Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Western New York
Does anyone have this crusher? How well does it work for you? I've been looking for something to crush apples with and this looks like it might do the trick. (and it goes nicely with my monster press) :D


Red Cross fruit crusher  10 19 10.jpg

Red Cross fruit crusher 1  10 19 10.jpg

Red Cross fruit crusher 2   10 19 10.jpg
I have one similiar - but i don't have the spikes - mine has 2 rolling pins with teeth on them. Sort of looks like a large gear.
Don't have a press or a crusher, but that sure looks like it would do the trick. I would say to halve or quarter the apples to make crushing easier.
I have one just like this one. Used it once, and now have it hanging on my wall as a decoration.

It works well, but you need two people to use it. One to turn the crank, and one to hold it steady. It works well if you are only doing a couple of hundred pounds.

The bad part is that is does not remove the grape stems. Grape stems can make the wine bitter. I ended up going with an electric crusher/destemmer about 15 years ago and have not looked back.
That would be great for apples/pears etc. Just tane a knife anf cut the fruit a bit. Round apples will just roll around and get nicked up. I slice thru my fruit with a few different angle cuts and drop in my fruit press (diff. than yours but same concept).

It's also great for getting the kids to tell the truth. Faster than water boarding.:):)
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