Red wine making protocol

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Nov 30, 2024
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Folks, anyone made a protocol for kit wine enhancements? I'm looking for something tunable, so that each could enhance it as needed. It would gives a sequence and timing of steps (even if it includes IF (ie if SG is X, do Y. Or add X by bench trial. See XYZ for protocol)). As we age, we forget steps or miss steps. The Protocol would be a check-list style, that could be saved as printed History Record (yeah, I am working in Medical Device Manufacturing...). Something to include - adding (when/how much) grapes, seeds, pomice, Color Pro, fermentation tannin, yeast, yeast feed at SG, SG at first racking / press, oaks, mix batches, ML+Feed, Finishing Tannin, (clarifiers), 2nd, 3rd racking, glycerin, (sorbate), bottling.
I am sure I've missed something. If not, I will draft something for Board Experts to comment on. Thanks. Al.
I keep my notes online, and typically duplicate the most similar previous wine, and use the ingredient list as a checklist, and may review other notes to see if I missed anything. A template for new notes would be better, something like the checklist you describe.

Unless someone has one, take a stab at it. The usual crew will cheerfully beat up on the strawman. ;)