Mosti Mondiale Renaissance pinot grigio

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2013
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Just racked this to secondary a couple days ago at SG of about 1.035. (Instructions said 1.04-1.05) Added the yeast nutrient and wow, it really kicked those little yeasties into high gear. Sure stinks though. Thanks to this forum, I had no problem with the dreaded volcano.

This is my first white after starting 3 reds. What a difference.

Really enjoying this hobby and all the wisdom from this forum.
Splash rack it when you rack off the gross lees in a few days if the H2S smell doesn't dissipate.
ibglowin said:
Splash rack it when you rack off the gross lees in a few days if the H2S smell doesn't dissipate.

Sounds like a good plan. I'll splash it with the AIO pump. I love the smell of the reds fermenting. But the white with that nutrient pack - not so much.
In clearing right now. was planning on bulk aging this Pinot Grigio for a few months. But, I just noticed at the very bottom of the instructions, ( I know I should read ALL instructions first) it says if I plan to bulk age, hold off on the fining agents until 7-10 days before bottling.

I have not started any MM reds, but the CC and RJS reds did not say this. Just curious as to why?
Only thing I can think of off the bat is they don't want you to bulk age it with the fines sitting at the bottom for very long. Off odors or off taste are a possibility. As a rule you should only let the fines sit for a few weeks or so at most before they are racked off and the wine is topped up.
ibglowin said:
Only thing I can think of off the bat is they don't want you to bulk age it with the fines sitting at the bottom for very long. Off odors or off taste are a possibility. As a rule you should only let the fines sit for a few weeks or so at most before they are racked off and the wine is topped up.

This makes sense, but is bulk aging on the fine lees really different from bulk aging before adding fining agents? Wouldn't this mean the lees are in suspension?
Kit manufacturers don't all use the same fining agents. WE uses a one step in which you actually need the gross lees for it to properly work and then others use two step fining agent in which the gross lees are racked off first. Its the fining agents themselves that can give an off odor if left in the wine for months and months (bulk aging). I know this from experience with several MM kits I made and left the fines on the bottom for 3-6 months. The wine had a funky metallic taste after racking off the fines. So bottom line is to get the fines off as soon as the wine has cleared which is usually within a week or two at most.
Today is the 10th day after adding clearing agents to this Pinot Grigio. I was hoping to bottle today, but I'm not quite sure it's clear enough. It hasn't changed much in the last two or three days. The top is obviously very clear, but the bottom I'm not quite so sure about. It seems odd that it begins to appear cloudy exactly where the first rib of the carboy is. Makes me wonder if the rib has held a little bit of sediment that is reflecting through. I've attached a picture of the instruction sheet from another batch held behind the carboy. It's obvious where the top section is clear and immediately under the rib is cloudy. Has anyone ever noticed this before? Is it clear enough to bottle? I'm leaning toward letting it set for a few more days, but I don't want to leave it on the finings for too long.

Keep it warm. 68-74 degrees. The ribs on carboys will collect fines. You can get the carboy a little jostle to free them. Sometimes they fall, sometimes they don't. This looks like a very normal clearing, some wine clear in a few days and others take weeks. Do not be in a hurry to bottle unless you want fines in your wine. Practice the 3P's.
Sure enough, on day 15 it looks the whole world different. Very clear. Will be bottling on Thursday!
Ok. Just bottled yesterday! Cleared beautifully. It glows! Had to rack a couple more times with the AIO. Looked like it needed a little moe degassing. I was turning the racking cane upside down to do a film drop down the side of the carboy, but I seem to think the splashing is more effective.

The bottling and corking was so much easier than expected.

This was our first ever bottling. 3 more items in carboys.

This is really fun. With the long wait times, the help from all here makes it so much more bearable. Thank you!
Well Lori, I'm not much of a white drinker, so I'm not a good judge. I only tasted a few sips and it wasn't half bad. I bottled 6 splits with the 28 regular bottles to start trying in 3-6 months. Depends on how patient I can be. We just wanted to have a white for company and gifts , for those who don't like reds so much.
Will probably do one more white. Maybe a sweeter one like a Reisling or gerwerst.

But is is a beautiful golden color in the bottle. :)

I have three reds in carboys that I'll be waiting on a good looooong while. Maybe I'll acquire a taste for the whites since they are ready sooner.
Well that helps. I am not big on sweet wines, so it seems that this one is not too sweet and might be a candidate.

Thanks for the response.
Our first bottled kit. My wife and are are really excited at how this turned out.

Thank you to everyone who has been so helpful here.

Now we have 3 reds in carboys, and a red and a white chic port in primary.

What a fun hobby.


Broge, nice work. I am sure you will enjoy the Pinot Grigio. I am not a fan of Mosti Mondiale reds, generally, but I really have been pleased with their whites. By the way, you did a fine job with the caps!