@Rice_Guy, do you believe my "toss sorbate after 12-15 months" is too paranoid? I won't be offended if you do, as I respect your opinions regarding the chemical side of winemaking.
I'm a touch, see, and feel guy. With K-meta I can dissolve a small amount in water and gently sniff it. If it makes me cough my lungs out, I know it's good.
With sorbate, the only way I'll know that it's degraded too much is by having cases of wine blowing their corks. I had that happen once (caught it early, so only pushed corks partially out), and had to rebottle 2 cases of wine. From my POV it's cheaper and easier to buy small packages of sorbate (when I need it), and bin the small amount that remains after 12 to 15 months, than it is to unbottle 2+ cases of wine and later rebottle them.
As mentioned above, I looked at vendor docs, consider that the package spent an unknown amount of time in the warehouse and on the LHBS' shelf, and consider my less than stellar storage conditions.
You mentioned yeast -- that's a good reason to make a starter. My package of Avante will be used in the 5th ferment next fall. I'll make starters, and will know within 10-30 minutes if my yeast is viable. [Touch, see, & feel!]
All that said, my practice is to buy additives in quantities that will be used up in a year or so, then buy more at the time it's needed. This eliminates the question, "is it too old?". [Any powders that clump are immediately binned.]