I just tasted my triple berry, It is about 16 months, now. I was doing some simple syrup additions, and I can be really hard on my wines. I was wondering what I could do to make it a little nicer. The tart bite still powers out the back sweetening, and any sweeter and I won't like it. Well, I picked up a blueberry wine the other day when I got the Haskap. I figured I'll use that to top up my triple berry and give it some more time. I cracked the top, poured a couple fingers and had a smell. Nothing. A little sip. Bleghhh. It tastes like sweet water with a weak berry presence, no acidity and then on the back center of the tongue this bitter tainted BLEGH. It's the worst wine I have ever tasted. The after taste is akin to the small mason jars that I have tried to save for topping up. Wet cardboard, slight metallic twinge... Likely oxidation, but I have never experienced anything so weak, insipid, and then coming in late with an extra burst of unpleasant.
Is this the worst wine I have ever tasted or is it more likely that its a ruined wine. It's not turned, I can say that much.. But if someone made this intentionally I am REALLY good at this hobby.
My initial reaction is to take the bottle back and ask the store owner.. Would you knowingly sell this?
Is this the worst wine I have ever tasted or is it more likely that its a ruined wine. It's not turned, I can say that much.. But if someone made this intentionally I am REALLY good at this hobby.

My initial reaction is to take the bottle back and ask the store owner.. Would you knowingly sell this?