Riesling wine taste

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
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I have brewed a pinot gri and riesling as of recent. My pinot did not taste like a pinot, it tasted almost like cotton and my Riesling is turning out the same. Should I use my new ph meter? If so where should the readings be? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
What is the age of the two batches. You could check the ph and ta but just so that you would know for future wines that you will make.
Pinot is 1 you or more and the Riesling is 6-8 months. Riesling tasted great at first but as it aged the cotton taste appeared
if your mouth seems like cotton at the end of tasting that is usually a sign of tannin. I would suggest making some sugar syrup, two cups sugar to one cup hot water. mix in a blender . Let cool and do some bench trials on adding sugar to the wines. find the level that best meets you taste test. make sure you add potassium sorbate to wine when adding sugar syrup. if already bottled try this on one bottle.
Perhaps a stupid question; but are you chilling the Riesling? Necessary to bring out the fruit.

No I am not chilling. Sampling straight from the Carboy.
if you are referring to the cotton taste, it would seem to be to much tannin. this is not normal for a kit wine.how often have you racked the wine along with adding K-Meta?
if still in carboy rack every three months add k-meta at rate of 1/4 tsp per 5 gallons. if cotton still there try taste trials.
at the age these wines are they both should be bottled by now.
This was not a kit. I bought juice from home winery. What does the k meta do? Same as campden tabs? How do I get rid of that taste?
K-Meta is short for potassium metabisuphite. it is in powder for. campden tablets have K-meta plus other to make a tablet.
try bench trials with sugar syrup to get rid of taste