I also started the New Year off right....
* New Years Eve Day....Racked wines....Bottled a batch of wine yesterday PM....went out for dinner, home within 1 1/2 hours...drank wine till bedtime...
* Today, New Years Day....Boxed up a case of 12 bottles each, of the last 3 batches of wine we made, taped the boxes shut [like Joan does],labeled and date of bottling.... and slid them under the shelves...for at least 6-12 months....Hope to do this with all our wines from now on....* That's New Years Resolution #1
Went fishing for 4 1/2 hours...saw only one...came home....
Mixed up a batch of Black Currant Wine with 2 bottles of Red Grape Concentrate....hope it is as good as everyone says.
* Hope to have a healthy year and make many batches of wine.
* Hope to grow many fruits for wine, will try to add more fruit trees and bushes and have a big 'Wine Garden'.... and hope to pick as many wild fruits as possible.
* Wish everyone a great year of winemaking....Edited by: Northern Winos