Rrawhide labels

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SPECTACULAR Joan! I just hope you don't start a business out of making them before I need a bit of help
Work like this needs a nice reward!
Joan, i see you use the website that I posted awhile back (AllPosters) as the 1 that you used for the Super Tuscan was 1 that I downloaded and was tried to blow up a little but then got all pixely on me doing that. I was going to use that for my Super Tuscan or my Rosso Grande but then changed it due to the pixel problem. Glad you used it and just surrounded it like you did and did a great job doing it, I love the tile effect!
Thanks, Wade! I didn't get any of them from All poaters but Rrawhide night have! He sent me all the photos I've used on his labels.

Fess up Rrawhide! Where'd you get them???
Joan said:
Thanks, Wade! I didn't get any of them from All poaters but Rrawhide night have! He sent me all the photos I've used on his labels.

Fess up Rrawhide! Where'd you get them???

Hey Joan have you been sampling wines tonight? You are starting to type like me now!
Ok - the super tuscan label design was from the door in my winery.
This is a decal that I bought and put on the inside of the door. Then
when we are in the winery we can look out over our tuscan vineyard and
enjoy the scene. Oh, if we could only be there someday - well maybe -
if the dollar does not decline overseas any more - yeah right!!!

anyway - here is the picture of our door - just so ya'll can see where it came from:


Dear Spelling Police!

Yes, I am guilty of terrible spelling and 99.9 % of the time I proof what I write here. (I can be dumb but prefer to appear as tho I'm not!) (In these last two sentences I made 2 typing errors proving I can't type for beans either!!!!) I was not drinking but if you notice the time of my post, it was just as the 2 hour last of the season LOST was starting. I was in a hurry and I didn't proof it! So sue me for misappropriations of letters!

The Management

PS Wade, Ii I had known I could get a head on shot of Rrawhide's door on All Posters, I would have so I didn't have to take 20 minutes squaring it up using the warp and skew tools! =))
Joan, the picture is just whats in the middle and i thought you put your serious expertise into bordering it with the tiles. Oh well, it still looks awesome.
Rrawhide....let's see that wine room!!!!

I see some great things you have done with corks.....

Give us a peek!!!!!
Story: Rrawhide asked me to put this picture of his friends posing by this old car (not theirs) on a label. He thought they would get a kick out of it.

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