Sanitizing Laundry equipment

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2013
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I've been trying to find something long enough to put my stirring spoon and drill stir and other long items in to sanitize them easily. I haven't been able to find a wallpaper tray but did come across a 2 inch PVC pipe and Permanently attached to On one end with the PVC cement. My plan is to put the items in it with the little kmeta and then put the lid on the top.
Does anyone see any problems with me using PVC for short-term like this?
Broge, I kluged up a storage unit for my filters using PVC pipe and have had no problems. Here are some pictures. By the way, the two pieces of wood in the foreground of the first picture are my super expensive "carboy wedges."


when i started making wine, I cleaned and sanitized everything i touched.
i started doing some research on air borne, and transfered germs.
come to find out, the only ones touting the germs were the ones making anti germicidals.
I now rinse with hot hot water..thats it.
I keep a spray bottle for K-Meta and spray counters, spoons, and other objects. I let it sit for a few minutes and then either rinse or wipe dry with a new paper towel. I have yet to have a problem. I empty and rinse the spray bottle and spray mechanism with fresh water after each use .
I keep a spray bottle for K-Meta and spray counters, spoons, and other objects. I let it sit for a few minutes and then either rinse or wipe dry with a new paper towel. I have yet to have a problem. I empty and rinse the spray bottle and spray mechanism with fresh water after each use .

The most important thing is to have the equipment sanitized just prior to when you use it.

Much like bchilders, I rinse real well after use, and then rinse with k-meta just before I need the equipment. I also feel that storring equipment in k-meta tends to yellow/break down the plastic over exteneded periods of time.
Broge, I kluged up a storage unit for my filters using PVC pipe and have had no problems. Here are some pictures. By the way, the two pieces of wood in the foreground of the first picture are my super expensive "carboy wedges."

So Rocky, is that a used toilet flange? That could be used to make it a de-sanitizer..........................:i:)