Got up early, and since it was time to rack the satsuma, decided to do a little extra with it. It was a nice, clear yellow color, ran it through the super jet with the polishing pads to make it shine, looked great after the filter rack, so I took a taste. Hmmmmm, not good, very tart (which I expected), not much discernible citrus flavor, and very bitter on the back of my tongue. I worked hard to be open minded, but found no redeeming qualities.
Not one to avoid a challenge, or bail out on an infant wine, I took a few additional steps to move it along. Since the carboy wasn't full from filter racking, I added sulfite, sorbate and about 4 cups of sugar, which topped it up very nicely. It was a little better, not much, it'll have to be sweetened more later.
A satsuma wine that's yellow just doesn't seem to fit, so I decided to see if I could monkey with that a bit. Calling upon my kindergarten training, I recalled that "yellow and red makes orange" and went to work with a little red food coloring. A drop at a time, it changed from a yellow wine to an orange wine.
It's back on the carboy rack to sit and age, I'm not really stoked with this experiment, but maybe this ugly duckling will grow into something drinkable.....