Sauvignon Blanc Success

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2007
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Just wanted to announce that my first home made wine has turned out very good. It certainly exceeded my expectations!

We started a Heron Bay 6-week Sauvignon Blanc kit on Nov 11 '07, and racked it after clarification this past weekend. It was brilliantly clear, but even more important- it tasted great!Herbacious varietal characteristics with hints of vanilla from the oak pulp used during fermentation. Viscous, with a nice mouth feel. I was shocked. After my initial mistake with the acid, adding tartaric because I did the test wrong, then correcting with Calcium carbonate, I was sure this batch was ruined. But we hit our acid and residual sugar goals exactly. Sorry to go on and on, but I never expected to be so successful my first time.
Amazing! You didn't mess up after all did you
Seriously, it shows how easy kits are to make- especially if you follow directions. That's why it is important to follow them in the beginning. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and builds the foundations of your skills. Later you can make minor adjustments to suit your own preferences. Possibly increase or change the oak-depending on your likes, or maybe sweetening just a tad more because your spouse likes it just a bit sweeter.

Good job and here's wishing you continued sucesses!
Congratulations K&GB............

Applemans right, it really isn't hard if you follow directions..............

Now comes the hard part.........

Theres no directions for aging this stuff for a year or two...........
My wife can attest that I have no patience. Only by starting new wine kits can I ever hope to leave this first one alone. (I've started 3
Glad it survived none the less became great. You have gone beyond a newbie mistake and taken it back pro style, now thats a great learning experience!