Get a 15 bottle carboy and rack all of your wine off of the sediment. If you leave it on the sediment too long it may start to stink. Sulphite if you haven't so far after you rack it. Try to have a selection of glass container sizes. I have 5 Imperial gallons (30 bottles) , 4.5 Imperial gallons (25 bottles), small carboy (15 bottles), Imperial gallon (6 bottles), US gallon (5 bottles) and so on down. Have enough containers and sizes so you don't have to compromise your wines. I have a pile of 15 bottle carboys because they are easy to lift onto the top shelf of my cooler. e.g. Two 25 bottle carboys can be racked into 30 bottle and 15 bottle carboy.
I also have 4 bottle containers, 3 bottle containers, 2.5 bottle containers all the way down to 1/2 bottle containers. Try to set yourself up so you can do anything without being forced to dilute your wines with anything unless of course you decide it because you like it that way.